Monday, October 15, 2007

All Conservatives Must Die?

While the left bitches about the latest comment from Ann Coulter......

Media Matters Commenter: 'End the Life of Every Conservative'
Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 1:37:13 pm PST
The hit squad at Think Progress took one nasty comment from a reader at RedState, and stated outright that it represented the entire blog: White House Embraces Right-Wing Blog That Called For ‘Destroying’ Graeme Frost.
So I guess it’s OK to point out that Media Matters has let a comment stand on their site for more than 24 hours, calling for the death of every single person on the “right.” This wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes at LGF.
Although I know it to be something many would condemn, I have to say that I believe this nation, this world, and everything in it would be far better off if there was a button I could push that would END the life of every avowed “CONSERVATIVE”, “REPUBLICAN”, or “RIGHT-WINGER”. Of course, I would likely break my finger clean off my hand from pushing it so
hotnuke Saturday October 13, 2007 12:40:54 PM EST

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think you are an asshole. fell free to respond by the way fuck off